Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pastoral Note - 11th November

The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) give us the story of the life and work of Jesus. The book of Acts is the story of the powerful work of Jesus after his resurrection. While it’s called the Acts of the Apostles, it’s really the powerful acts of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus in growing His church through the first disciples from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the ends of the earth. We read in chapter 1:8 that the purpose of the giving of the Holy Spirit to the disciples of Jesus was so that they might have the power to be Jesus’ witnesses. Acts is the unfolding of that story.

There’s a reason why the first disciples of Jesus needed the Spirit’s power to witness. Because wherever Jesus is proclaimed there you’ll always find opposition, and the temptation to fold under pressure. Right at the start the early Christian experience in sharing Jesus was ridicule in ch.2 and persecution/jail in ch.3. From embarrassment, to the fear of ridicule, to the fear of being excluded, this has always been experience of Christians who put Jesus forward in their lives. Even Paul who wrote most of the letters in the New Testament one prayer request is that he might be able to share about Jesus boldly and not be afraid (Ephesians 6:19-20). I reckon we face the same temptation to be afraid when it comes to putting Jesus forward, sharing about Him, even talking about Him whether at work, at uni, at school or at home.

Ever been in a situation where you have the opportunity to share about Jesus, but are afraid? Ever been in a situation where someone has asked you about your beliefs in front of other people at work, but you brush it off? Ever been in a situation where your friends are discussing a moral issue, but you remain silent rather than put forward a Christian perspective? We read in Acts 4 that Peter has just landed up in jail for talking about Jesus, and when he’s hauled up before the authorities he speaks clearly and boldly. This is the same Peter who a few months ago denies Jesus 3 times! What lies behind Peter’s boldness and clarity? Acts 4:8 tells us that it was when Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, that he was able to boldly and clearly proclaim Christ. So impressed were the people opposing him that they were astonished, because Peter was an unschooled, ordinary guy (Acts.4:13). The power of the Spirit led to a bold and clear proclamation of Jesus in Peter’s life.

As you read on you discover that after Peter is released he goes straight to meet up with the other disciples of Jesus to pray with them. And they all ask God for continued boldness and courage to speak about Jesus (Acts.4:29). His answer comes to them in v.31, where we’re told that they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. The power of the Spirit led to a bold and clear proclamation of Jesus in the life of the disciples.

Perhaps what we need as well these days is more of the power of the Holy Spirit to give us boldness. Maybe the reason why as a church our witness is weak, our personal proclamation of Jesus is reserved, lies in that we lack the power of the Spirit to be bold. When we feel afraid, embarrassed, tempted to baulk at the opportunity to share about Jesus, unsure about our abilities, what we need is to pray and ask God to fill us with the Holy Spirit to give us boldness. Or as Paul himself asked for prayer, we should be praying this for each other.

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