Friday, August 31, 2007

Pastoral Note - 31st August

We live in a city and culture where nothing comes for free. We are taught that you get what you deserve, what you work hard for, what you put effort into. We live in a performance based city. In fact, we’re suspicious whenever anyone offers us anything, especially if it’s for free. If a stranger knocked on your door and offered you $50 for nothing, would you take it? Apart from the ‘stranger-danger’ factor, most of us would be suspicious – why is he offering $50 for nothing? what does he want? what strings are attached to it? After all, nothing comes for free.
And sometimes we think that God operates just like that. Getting right with God or getting into heaven depends on my work and my effort. Let me say to you that with God, you cannot earn your way into his family and you cannot work your way into his good books. God doesn’t work on a scale where he will judge you on the basis of whether your good works in life outweighs your bad works. God works on the principle of grace i.e. he gives us what we don’t deserve. It’s just a question of whether we think we need what he offers. Even the best of us need grace.

Amazing Grace is probably the world’s most well-known hymn. What most people don’t realize is that its author was truly a wretch. If there was a man who was morally bankrupt it would have been John Newton. He commanded an English slave ship in 1750 and traded in human flesh. We are appalled today at the illegal trading of women and children that runs across parts of Europe and Asia. Yet, in 1750, trading men, women and children was legitimized by the West because of their view of colored people as sub-human. John Newton was involved in such activities. Dr.Ralph Wilson writes that,

‘ships would make the first leg of their voyage from England nearly empty until they would anchor off the African coast. There tribal chiefs would deliver to the Europeans stockades full of men and women, captured in raids and wars against other tribes. Buyers would select the finest specimens, which would be bartered for weapons, ammunition, metal, liquor, trinkets, and cloth. Then the captives would be loaded aboard, packed for sailing. They were chained below decks to prevent suicides, laid side by side to save space, row after row, one after another, until the vessel was laden with as many as 600 units of human cargo.

Captains sought a fast voyage across the Atlantic's infamous "middle passage," hoping to preserve as much as their cargo as possible, yet mortality sometimes ran 20% or higher. When an outbreak of smallpox or dysentery occurred, the stricken were cast overboard. Once they arrived in the New World, blacks were traded for sugar and molasses to manufacture rum, which the ships would carry to England for the final leg of their "triangle trade." Then off to Africa for yet another round.’

John Newton was captain of a slave ship that contributed to the transportation of the many ships that would bring 6 million African slaves to America in the 18th century. He had a reputation for foul language and wild living - he was known by those around him as ‘the great swearer.’ One day when his ship nearly capsized in a storm he found God, or rather God found him. Is such a man deserving of God’s forgiveness? Should God save such a man? The world would say, ‘no, he has to prove himself and he has to earn his way back’. God says instead, “if this lost son wants to come home, I welcome him with open arms, I’ll forgive him. All he has to do is to recognize that his life is a mess, and run to me for help and a fresh start.” That’s grace – what is given to the undeserving. John left his old life, and spent the next 43 years speaking only of God’s amazing grace.

At 82, he said, "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things, that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour". The same thoughts he echoed in the very song, ‘Amazing Grace’.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come.
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

May all of us continue to find strength, hope and encouragement in the arms of God’s amazing grace. For Jesus died for us, that we should no longer live for ourselves, but for Him who died for us and was raised again. (2 Cor.5:15)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Pastoral Note - 5th August 2007

The last two weeks gave us the opportunity to rest and spend time together as a family. It was the longest holiday we’ve had together after all these years, and though tiring, it gave me an opportunity to rest and be away from work. The first week saw me feel the withdrawals associated with always being connected 24/7. It took time to get over feeling the need to check my email, send emails, follow-up work stuff, surf the net. One of the things I realized is how ‘addicted’ we are to being connected. I believe being connected gives us a sense of worth – it makes us feel wanted. One could even say it makes us feel special. From being connected through Facebook or Bebo, to Xbox live or Warcraft, to Skype or MSN, to Second Life, to YouTube, to gmail, to being on call 24/7, we want to know that we’re wanted and special. A very simple test would be to disconnect and unplug yourself for a week and then gauge how you feel. Feelings of disorientation, lostness, loneliness, boredom will all be evident.

Wanting to be connected, wanting to be wanted, wanting to feel special is the way God has made us. It’s because God has made us for relationship. Behind our desire to be connected is our desire to be in relationship, which is what all of us crave and live for. All technology has done is that it’s given us an opportunity to express that desire in a different way. In a previous generation people joined social or hobby clubs. These days we do it online in a virtual world. What people don’t realize is that what is often a legitimate need i.e. to be in relationship with others, often becomes an addiction that fuels our self-centeredness. We ‘connect’ and ‘post’ and ‘chat’ and ‘blog’ to make ourselves feel good. In fact much of what I have seen posted online is an expression of self-love.

It hides our greater need. God has not just made us for relationship with each other, but he’s made us for relationship with Himself. Being ‘connected’ only masks the void within, which is why the moment another online community pop’s up, we sign up. What we need to realize more than anything else is that there is a God who made us, who loves us, who desires to be in a relationship with us, and who has a great plan and design for our lives. It’s the one relationship we all need, but also the one relationship we run away from. We think every other relationship will fill the void from being connected online, to connecting with money, sex, career and pleasure. In fact, it’s the reason why Jesus came and why he died – to be the bridge that reconnects you with God, the one relationship that matters most in life.

Over these few weeks at church, our sermons will be looking at what it means to get connected with God, how he can fill the void and how he reshapes the way we live when it comes to money, sex, career and pleasure. You can listen in by clicking on our sermon links to download the upcoming series on the right.